Asan Beach, Guam

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Here is a marker placed at Asan Beach, Guam

The caption reads:

"Motar shells geysered the water as thousands of U.S. Marines rode amphtraks and waded ashore here on July 21, 1944. Japanese guns swept the beach from camouflaged pillboxes as Asan Point. Landing craft continually shuttled the dead and wounded back to the ships.

Though hard-won, the beachhead was not a final objective. As heavy fire continued to rain down from surrounding ridges, the Americans used Asan as a staging area for assaults on Japanese strongholds at Adelup Point, Chorito Cliff, Bundschu Ridge, and Fonte Plateau."

Here I tried to capture the same area depcited on the sign above.

This picture shows Asan Beach from the opposite vantage point. Also shown are some of the surrounding hills mentioned on the marker above. It's hard to imagine being on that beach in 1944 with bullets and mortars raining down from above.

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