using System; using System.Data; using System.Data.Odbc; using System.Configuration; using System.Collections; using System.Web; using System.Web.Security; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts; using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls; using System.Net.Mail; public partial class updates : System.Web.UI.Page { protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Get the last time the updates was run. string strSql = "SELECT LastLogin FROM UserData WHERE UserID = 'updates'"; DateTime lastUpdate, weekAgo; string eMsg, strScore; int fld; weekAgo = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-10); // Create the connection using the connection string in web.config. OdbcConnection conn = new OdbcConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["ConnectionString"].ConnectionString); OdbcCommand cmd = new OdbcCommand(strSql, conn); OdbcDataReader rdr; Response.Write("Processing updates
"); conn.Open(); rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (rdr.HasRows) { lastUpdate = rdr.GetDateTime(0); rdr.Close(); //Response.Write(lastUpdate.ToShortDateString()); // Last update occurred 7 or more days ago if (DateTime.Now >= lastUpdate.AddDays(7)) { strSql = "SELECT * FROM UserData WHERE (SendReport = True AND LastLogin > #" + weekAgo.ToShortDateString() + "#)"; cmd.CommandText = strSql; rdr = cmd.ExecuteReader(); if (rdr.HasRows) { // Build each e-mail to go out. MailMessage msg = new MailMessage(); msg.From = (new MailAddress("")); SmtpClient client = new SmtpClient(""); while (rdr.Read()) { Response.Write(rdr[0] + "
"); Response.Write(rdr[4] + "
"); // start construction of the e-mail body. eMsg = "This e-mail is a progress report on the multiplication and division " + "flash cards program your child is using. Your child can retake a test as many times as they wish to " + "achieve a better score.\n\nYou will only receive these e-mails as your child is actively using the " + "program. You may also opt-out of receiving these progress e-mails by going to the settings page at " + " and turning off the e-mail progress reports option.\n\n\n" + "* MULTIPLICATION CARDS *\n\n Factor Current Score\n\n"; // get the times columns 0-9 (single digits). for (fld = 5; fld <= 14; fld++) { strScore = rdr[fld].ToString(); if (strScore.Length == 0) strScore = "not tested"; eMsg = eMsg + " " + (fld - 5) + " " + strScore + "\n"; } // get the times columns 10-12. for (fld = 15; fld <= 17; fld++) { strScore = rdr[fld].ToString(); if (strScore.Length == 0) strScore = "not tested"; eMsg = eMsg + " " + (fld - 5) + " " + strScore + "\n"; } // get the All score strScore = rdr[18].ToString(); if (strScore.Length == 0) strScore = "not tested"; eMsg = eMsg + " ALL " + strScore + "\n\n"; // get division scores. eMsg = eMsg + " * DIVISION CARDS *\n\n Divisor Current Score\n\n"; for (fld = 19; fld <= 27; fld++) { strScore = rdr[fld].ToString(); if (strScore.Length == 0) strScore = "not tested"; eMsg = eMsg + " " + (fld - 18) + " " + strScore + "\n"; } // get the div columns 10-12. for (fld = 28; fld <= 30; fld++) { strScore = rdr[fld].ToString(); if (strScore.Length == 0) strScore = "not tested"; eMsg = eMsg + " " + (fld - 18) + " " + strScore + "\n"; } // get the All score strScore = rdr[31].ToString(); if (strScore.Length == 0) strScore = "not tested"; eMsg = eMsg + " ALL " + strScore + "\n"; // msg body constructed at this point. msg.Body = eMsg; msg.Subject = "Flash Cards Progress"; msg.To.Clear(); msg.To.Add(rdr["ParentEMail"].ToString()); client.Send(msg); } } // write new update date. rdr.Close(); strSql = "UPDATE UserData SET LastLogin='" + DateTime.Now + "' WHERE UserID = 'updates'"; cmd.CommandText = strSql; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } } rdr.Close(); conn.Close(); Response.Write("Processing complete"); } }